Monday, December 12, 2011

cricket investigation

Question: What do crickets prefer, fruits or vegetables?

Hypothesis: If I put fruit in one side and vegetable in the other, then the crickets will prefer the vegetable because they're always in grass.

Background Research: Crickets feed on organic materials such as plants and dead stuff, something else that they do is feed on their own dead when there is no other sources or food available. Crickets also have powerful jaws, some even bite humans. They have somewhat flattened bodies  and long antennae.  

This picture shows my experimental setup. I put a pile of apples and a pile of celery in the cage.

This picture shows how I gathered data. As you can see, the crickets mostly stayed on the vegetable side.

Explanation of Data:


Friday, December 9, 2011

this week in science #6

this week in science i learned about jelly beans, how we had to separate each one of them by there flavors. we had to do a chain and  find out witch flavor it was.  there was some days that i didn't come to school so i don't really know what happened . but i really enjoyed playing with the jelly beans it was really interesting.

  what i am still unsure about is making the chain, the reason im still unsure about this is because its kinda difficult coming up with questions that go with the jelly bean, it had to be a yes or no question. but im sure that ill get the hang of it . thats mostly everything i can say right now.

Friday, December 2, 2011

this week in science #5

 this week in science, we did the rocket experiment. what i learned was how can rockets fly with different shapes, the shape can triangle,circle, and squared. but the rocket we thought would really fly was the one with a triangle shape because of the edges. i might go home and do my own rocket, and throw it at people :D. that's what i mostly learned this week!

  i had a lot funny moments with my group, i think we got together really well.  we did a lot of things this week like observe the animals behavior and things like that. i would like to learn more about those animals and more about rockets also. that's mostly everything i did this week. i really had fun like always.

Friday, November 4, 2011

This week in science #4

this week in science we did a plant investagtion #2, and what i experience was how fast the plants grew because i didnt know that they were gonna grow so quickly. Like for example the plants grew 8cm long just in 2 weeks, i had alot of fun looking at how fast it grew! 

this week in science i learned how fast these kind of plants grew, i wonder why other plants dont grow so quickly like these. Is it because it has some type of material in it ? thats all i want to know, and something else i learned this week was how to graph in the computer. It was really confusing at first but then i got the hang of it !

Friday, October 21, 2011

this week in science #3

this week in science we did (iv) (dv) variables, and we also did a sheet of paper that showed me how to do hypopthesis !!!! we also did the plants measurement and we also been looking how the plants grow because we put different water in each of them.

what i learned in science this week was how to do hypopthesis. if ___ then___ and because ! and also about my plants how they drown from too much waterrr 

Friday, October 14, 2011

this week in science #2

This week in science we had fun because we planted Brassica rapa's seeds. we planted 3 seeds in each cup and then watered them differently . to see which one  grows  faster or slower.

What  i learned in science this week was really interesting facts about Brassica rapa's seeds, like for example it can stay in a refrigator for 10 years. i learned alot of amazing facts about them . the seeds were really small.thats mostly what i remember i learned. i wonder what we going to learn next week , maybe find out how our plants are growing.